Weekly Prayers To John Paul

Saturday, January 30, 2010

III Oratio in honorem Sanctae Ioannes Paulus PP

Promised for week of January 17, 2010

Bendito Juan Pablo II, Elena, nuestra persona más amada está sumida en profundo dolor y sufrimiento. La fe es la única fuente de fuerza que nos da esperanza; inspirados por la fe, volvemos los ojos al cielo y rogamos por un milagro. Bendito Juan Pablo II, en la tierra caminaste entre nosotros proclamando la paz de Dios; por ello se atentó contra tu vida y estuviste al borde de la muerte. Gracias a la intercesión de María de Fátima, Dios te salvo la vida para que tu ejemplo de fortaleza y fe continuara expandiéndose por el mundo entero.

Ponemos el profundo dolor y sufrimiento de Elena en tus santas manos; rogamos que accedas a nuestra petición. Del mismo modo que la Virgen intercedió por ti, pedimos que intercedas por Elena ante Dios. Este milagro tuyo permitirá que Elena siga siendo el centro de fe y fortaleza en nuestra familia. Su único nieto, Thomas Maxwell tiene solo seis años, su abuelita Elena desea participar para verlo joven, fuerte, sano y todo un ejemplo de fe y amor.

Blessed John Paul II, Elena, our most beloved person is overwhelmed by deep pain and suffering. Faith is the last fountain of strength that gives us hope; inspired by faith, we turn our eyes to heaven and pray for a miracle. Blessed John Paul II, you walked with us on earth proclaiming the peace of God; this brought an attempt upon your life placing you close to death. Thanks to Mary of Fatima’s intercession, God saved your life so that your example of fortitude and faith would continue expanding all over the world.

We place Elena’s pain and suffering on your holy hands; we plead that you consider our petition. As the Virgin interceded for you, we ask that you intercede for Elena before God. Your miracle will permit Elena to continue as the center of faith and fortitude within our family. Her only grandson Thomas Maxwell is only six years of age; his grandmother, Elena, hopes to participate and see him become a strong and healthy youth, an example of faith and love.

He prometido componer un rezo original cada semana del año 2010. Este es el tercer rezo. Les invito a rezar conmigo por la salud de mi esposa. También les pido que usen este rezo para pedir por sus propias necesidades.

I promise to compose one original prayer each week during this year 2010. This is the third prayer. I invite you to pray with me for the health of my wife. I also encourage you to use this prayer for your own needs.

Lúcia dos Santos (left) with fellow visionaries Jacinta and Francisco Marto.

The Miracle Of Fatima

Saturday, January 23, 2010

II Oratio in honorem Sanctae Ioannes Paulus PP

Primera Comunion Alicia Collell Nuñez, Santiago College, 27 de Noviembre 1954, Santiago
Oratio in honorem Sanctae Ioannes Paulus PP

Promised for week of January 10, 2010

Santo Padre Juan Pablo II, fuiste designado por Dios para esparcir un anuncio de amor, paz y reconciliación hasta los más remotos territorios de esta tierra.
Tenemos fe que tu gracia bendita protege a todos aquellos que imploran por un milagro tuyo.
Fervorosamente pedimos que con piadosa compasión intercedas ante Dios Padre por la salud de mi esposa Elena que sufre de cáncer. Este milagro tuyo es necesario pues ella es el centro de fe de nuestra familia. Su esposo, hijas, nieto y hermanos tenemos profunda necesidad de ella.

Holy Father John Paul II, anointed by God to spread a proclamation of love, peace and understanding to remote and distant domains of this world.
We hold in faith that your divine grace protects all those who implore for a miracle of yours.
Feverously we ask that with pious compassion you intercede before God the Father, for the health of my wife Elena that suffers from cancer. This miracle is necessitated because she is the center of faith within our family. Her husband, daughters, grandson and brothers have deep need of her.

He prometido componer un rezo original cada semana del año 2010. Este es el second rezo. Les invito a rezar conmigo por la salud de mi esposa. También les pido que usen este rezo para pedir por sus propias necesidades.

I promise to compose one original prayer each week during this year 2010. This is the second prayer. I invite you to pray with me for the health of my wife. I also encourage you to use this prayer for your own needs.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I Oratio in honorem Sanctae
Ioannes Paulus PP

Promised for week of January 3, 2010

Santo Padre Juan Pable II, tu fe, amor y esperanza han unido a incontables miles de almas en torno al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús. Te contemplamos en los brazos de Dios Padre Todopoderoso, junto a Cristo Jesús, la Santísima Virgen María, todos los ángeles del cielo, todos los profetas y todos los Santos. Inspirados por el amor que nos diste aquí en la tierra, te pedimos, ahora que estas en el cielo, que intercedas ante Dios Padre por la salud de mi esposa Elena que sufre de cáncer. Este milagro tuyo es necesario pues ella es el centro de fe de nuestra familia. Su esposo, hijas, nieto y hermanos tenemos profunda necesidad de ella.

Holy Father John Paul II, your faith, love and hope joined uncountable thousands of souls towards the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We contemplate you in the bosom of God the Father Almighty, joined by Christ Jesus, the Immaculate Virgin Mary, all the angles in heaven, all the prophets and all the saints. Moved by the love you gave us here on earth, we ask, now that you are in heaven, for your intercession before God the Father, for the health of my wife Elena that suffers from cancer. This miracle is necessitated because she is the center of faith within our family. Her husband, daughters, grandson and brothers have deep need of her.

He prometido componer un rezo original cada semana del año 2010. Este es el primer rezo. Les invito a rezar conmigo por la salud de mi esposa. También les pido que usen este rezo para pedir por sus propias necesidades.

I promise to compose one original prayer each week during this year 2010. This is the first prayer. I invite you to pray with me for the health of my wife. I also encourage you to use this prayer for your own needs.


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I promise to compose one original prayer each week during this year 2010. My wife Elena passed away on May 7, 2010. After 8 years she lost her battle with cancer. The original intent of the prayers asked for her health, now that she is in heaven I pray for her soul. The new prayers request Pope John Paul II's intercession before God to enlighten the doctors, the scientists and all the people that are supporting the research for cures of deadly diseases. I encourage you to join me on this journey of prayer for the advancement of science against today’s incurable diseases. You may use these prayers for your own needs. And, if you feel inspired to do so, please compose an original prayer to Pope John Paul II; send it to me and I will add it to this blog.