Promised for week of May 9, 2010
Santo Padre Juan Pablo II, venerado Pastor , guía de los fieles, ruega por nosotros ante Dios Todopoderoso, pídele que ilumine, pídele que inspire, pídele que apresure la labor de investigadores, médicos, estudiantes, benefactores y todos aquellos que trabajan por la salud de la humanidad. Pues cada día que se pierde por enfermedades hoy incurables es un día de amor que se va, felicidad que se convierte en lagrimas, útil faena desatendida, para nosotros, nuestros hijos y los hijos de nuestros hijos. En nombre del Padre, y del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo. Amén.
Holy Father John Paul II, revered Pastor, guide of the faithful, pray for us before Almighty God, ask that He enlighten, ask that He inspire, ask that He hasten the work of researchers, doctors, students, benefactors, and all those who work for the health of humankind. For each day lost due to today’s incurable illnesses is a day of wasted love, happiness that turns to tears, useful toil neglected, for us, our children and the children of our children. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
The International Digestive Cancer Alliance (IDCA)
The IDCA's Patron, Pope John Paul II died on April 2, 2005. Notwithstanding his failing health he always received IDCA's delegations. On behalf of the IDCA we express our gratitude to Pope John Paul II for lending his enthusiastic support to our organization.
To contribute to the IDCA visit:
The IDCA's Patron, Pope John Paul II died on April 2, 2005. Notwithstanding his failing health he always received IDCA's delegations. On behalf of the IDCA we express our gratitude to Pope John Paul II for lending his enthusiastic support to our organization.
To contribute to the IDCA visit:
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