Weekly Prayers To John Paul

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

XVIII Oratio in honorem Sanctae Ioannes Paulus PP

Promised for week of May 16, 2010

Santo Padre Juan Pablo II, rodeado de amor y la admiración del mundo, antes de morir dijiste: “dejadme ir a casa del Padre”. Juan Pablo bendito, inspíranos a cuidar con el mayor cariño a los enfermos que están en antesala de la muerte, cubramos de suaves besos sus manos y sus rostros, con dulce amor y delicados cuidados aminoremos el dolor de su agonía, con sus manos en nuestras manos recemos por ellos, que nuestra fe, esperanza, caridad, amor, rezos y lagrimas, abran un paso de suave luz para el alma que se eleva a casa del Padre. Bendito sea Dios por toda la eternidad. Amen

Holy Father John Paul II, surrounded by love and the admiration of the world, as you gave up your soul, you said: “Let me go to the house of the Father”. Blessed John Paul, inspire us to care with endearing tenderness for the sick that are in death’s threshold, let us cover their faces and hands with soft kisses, with sweet love and delicate care lessen their agonizing pain, holding their hands pray for them, may our faith, hope, charity, love, prayers and tears, open a path of soft light for the soul that ascends to the house of the Father. Blessed be God for ever and ever. Amen.

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I promise to compose one original prayer each week during this year 2010. My wife Elena passed away on May 7, 2010. After 8 years she lost her battle with cancer. The original intent of the prayers asked for her health, now that she is in heaven I pray for her soul. The new prayers request Pope John Paul II's intercession before God to enlighten the doctors, the scientists and all the people that are supporting the research for cures of deadly diseases. I encourage you to join me on this journey of prayer for the advancement of science against today’s incurable diseases. You may use these prayers for your own needs. And, if you feel inspired to do so, please compose an original prayer to Pope John Paul II; send it to me and I will add it to this blog.