Weekly Prayers To John Paul

Saturday, February 13, 2010

V Oratio in honorem Sanctae Ioannes Paulus PP

Promised for week of February 14, 2010

Gloria al Padre,
al Hijo y
al Espíritu Santo, que diste a Juan Pablo II la inspiración y la fuerza para guiar a tus fieles aquí en la tierra; ahora que él está en cielo, te pedimos que nos concedas un milagro gracias a su intercesión.
Somos como las criaturas traviesas y mimadas que lloran, gritan y claman abrazadas a sus padres, rogando por un regalo muy ansiado pero no merecido. Los padres tocados en lo más profundo del corazón acceden al pedido a cambio de una promesa de bondad y amor.
Padre, tú que todo lo puedes, míranos, afligidos, sufriendo, gritando, llorando y clamando por este milagro, este milagro tan ansiado. Apoyados en Santo Juan Pablo II elevamos los brazos al cielo y te pedimos, te suplicamos y te rogamos que, cures a Elena del cáncer que la aqueja, ansiamos que un milagro espontaneo llene de asombro a los médicos, que Elena viva muchos años como un ejemplo para la gloria de Dios. Gloria al Padre, al Hijo y al Espíritu Santo por los siglo de los siglos Amen.

Glory be to the Father,
And to the Son,
And to the Holy Spirit, who gave John Paul II the inspiration and strength to guide the faithful here on earth; now that that he is in heaven we ask that you will grant us a miracle thanks to his intercession.
We are like naughty children, spoiled children that weep and cry out, shouting and screaming hugged unto their fathers, pleading for a gift, gift that is anxiously desired, gift that is not deserved. The parents, deeply touched grant the request; in exchange they receive a promise of kindness and love.
Holy Father, everything is possible for you, look at us, heartbroken, suffering, shouting, weeping and crying out for this miracle, a miracle that we so anxiously desire. Leaning for support on Holy Father John Paul II , we lift our arms to heaven and ask, beg, and plead that you cure Elena of the cancer that afflicts her, we pray for a spontaneous miracle that will marvel the doctors and Elena will live many years as an example for the glory of God. Glory be to the Father,
And to the Son,
And to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now,
And ever shall be,
World without end. Amén.

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I promise to compose one original prayer each week during this year 2010. My wife Elena passed away on May 7, 2010. After 8 years she lost her battle with cancer. The original intent of the prayers asked for her health, now that she is in heaven I pray for her soul. The new prayers request Pope John Paul II's intercession before God to enlighten the doctors, the scientists and all the people that are supporting the research for cures of deadly diseases. I encourage you to join me on this journey of prayer for the advancement of science against today’s incurable diseases. You may use these prayers for your own needs. And, if you feel inspired to do so, please compose an original prayer to Pope John Paul II; send it to me and I will add it to this blog.