Weekly Prayers To John Paul

Sunday, February 7, 2010

IV Oratio in honorem Sanctae Ioannes Paulus PP

Promised for week of February 7, 2010

Santo Padre Juan Pablo II, lleva nuestro mensaje de súplica ante Dios: “En nuestro corazón hay un profundo agradecimiento por todas las bendiciones que nos has dado: dos milagros nos concediste; la Virgen de Guadalupe escuchó nuestras oraciones y nos bendijo con nuestras hermosas hijas, Paula y Carolina.
En múltiples ocasiones nos protegiste, ¡aun sin pedirlo, aun sin merecerlo! ¡Aun cuando olvidamos elevar los ojos al cielo para agradecerte!! ¡Perdónanos Señor! ¡Señor perdónanos !
Hoy nos arrodillamos ante Ti para pedirte más, ¡Tú que nos has dado tanto!

Elena, la esposa y madre de nuestra familia está enferma de cáncer, los médicos que han dedicado grandes esfuerzos para salvar su vida, hoy necesitan Tu ayuda. Dios Santo y Glorioso, guía las manos de los médicos para que Elena se cure del cáncer que tanto dolor le causa y que tanto sufrimiento provoca a todos aquellos que rezan por ella. “

Holy Father John Paul II, take our petition before God: “Our hearts are filled with thankfulness for all the blessings you have bestowed on us: two miracles you granted: the Virgin Of Guadalupe heard our prayers blessed us with two lovely daughters, Paula and Carolina
On multiple occasions you gave us protection, in spite our not requesting it! In spite of not having deserved it! Even when we did not lift our eyes to heaven and thank you! Forgive us Lord, Lord forgive us!
Today we knell before you to ask more of you! You who has bestowed so much upon us!

Elena, the wife and mother of our family is stricken by cancer, the doctors have dedicated great efforts to save her life; today they need your help. Holy and Glorious God, guide the doctors’ hands so that Elena is cured of the cancer that causes her so much pain and brings much suffering upon those who pray for her.”

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I promise to compose one original prayer each week during this year 2010. My wife Elena passed away on May 7, 2010. After 8 years she lost her battle with cancer. The original intent of the prayers asked for her health, now that she is in heaven I pray for her soul. The new prayers request Pope John Paul II's intercession before God to enlighten the doctors, the scientists and all the people that are supporting the research for cures of deadly diseases. I encourage you to join me on this journey of prayer for the advancement of science against today’s incurable diseases. You may use these prayers for your own needs. And, if you feel inspired to do so, please compose an original prayer to Pope John Paul II; send it to me and I will add it to this blog.