Weekly Prayers To John Paul

Saturday, February 20, 2010

VI Oratio in honorem Sanctae Ioannes Paulus PP

Promised for week of February 21, 2010

Juan Pablo IIBendito Padre Juan Pablo II, pedimos tu intercesión ante Dios Todopoderoso en nombre de Jesús, que muy dentro de su Sagrado Corazón, guarda infinito amor y perdón para nosotros, pecadores. Al Corazón de Jesús llegan los Ángeles del cielo cargando incontables plegarias de los desamparados, los arrepentidos, los enfermos, y todos aquellos que buscan el camino de la fe que nos promete la vida eterna. Juan Pablo, intercede ante Dios Todopoderoso en nombre del Sagrado Corazón de Jesus, su único Hijo, ruégale por la salud de Elena que sufre de cáncer. Su esposo, sus hijas, su nieto, hermanos, primos, toda su familia y todos sus amigos rezan por este milagro tan ansiado. Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo que eres un solo Dios, escúchanos Señor; Señor escúchanos. Amen.

Sagrado CorazonHoly Father John Paul II, we beg that you intercede before God Almighty, in the name of Jesus, who holds infinite love and forgiveness deep inside his Sacred Heart. The Angels from heaven come to the heart of Jesus, they arrive with countless prayers, from the destitute, the repentant, the sick, and indeed all those seeking the way that promises eternal life. John Paul defend our case before the Glory of God in the name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus his only Son and plead for the health of Elena who is stricken by cancer. Her husband, daughters, grandson. brothers, cousins, all her family and all her friends are praying for this miracle with anxious hearts! Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God, listen to our prayer, listen to our prayer! Amen.

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I promise to compose one original prayer each week during this year 2010. My wife Elena passed away on May 7, 2010. After 8 years she lost her battle with cancer. The original intent of the prayers asked for her health, now that she is in heaven I pray for her soul. The new prayers request Pope John Paul II's intercession before God to enlighten the doctors, the scientists and all the people that are supporting the research for cures of deadly diseases. I encourage you to join me on this journey of prayer for the advancement of science against today’s incurable diseases. You may use these prayers for your own needs. And, if you feel inspired to do so, please compose an original prayer to Pope John Paul II; send it to me and I will add it to this blog.